
Context Clues Middle School

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  • When the teacher let us vote, my class UNANIMOUSLY chose to watch a movie
    Agreeing in opinion, design
  • Heather has won many awards due to her APTITUDE for painting
    Natural skill
  • I don't usually dye my hair because I like to keep it NATURAL
    As formed by nature, not artificial
  • The horse CANTERED across the field
    To move quickly at a smooth gait
  • Mrs. Pine was upset at the class for being rude to the substitute. She RANTED about it for a long time
    Complained at length
  • During the rush on black friday, the entire store was in TURMOIL
    Chaotic, confusing
  • Dell had a lot of MISGIVINGS about how we would do on the science test he hadn't studied for
    Doubts, uncertainties
  • When my sister is on the phone, I sometimes stand nearby and EAVESDROP on her conversation
    Listen secretly
  • Jarrod's dad is cutting up vegetables to make a WHOLESOME dinner for the family
    Healthy or proper
  • To make sure I'm listening, mom has me repeat her instructions VERBATIM
    Word for word, exactly
  • I am playing in another chess competition against my ADVERSARY, Lexis
    One's opponent in a competition or dispute
  • Cooper doesn't mind being late for appointments, but his dad is always PUNCTUAL
    On time for an appointment or observation
  • Trever got more and more AGITATED the longer he waited for the dentist to call his name
    Nervous, troubled, unable to sit still
  • Every room in Steven's apartment was PRISTINE because he cleaned nightly
    Perfectly clean
  • Tia accidentally poked her finger with her sharp pencil, leaving a small PUNCTURE
    Small hole, or to make a small hole
  • When it is foggy outside, the VISIBILITY is much lower
    Degree to which something can be seen
  • Tara realized she'd made a mistake on her project, so she had to make an AMENDMENT
    Alteration or addition
  • My friend knocked before she crossed the THRESHOLD into my room
    Point of entering, beginning
  • When Geordi saw how late it was, he HASTENED to get to work on time
  • Even when you are are mad at someone and want to yell, you should try to remain CIVIL
    Polite, calm
  • Even after my cut healed, I still had a BLEMISH
    Mark, flaw
  • My taste in books is very VERSATILE; I like to read lots of different types
    Able to be adapted to many situations, changeable, inconsistent
  • My brother goes BERSERK when he has too much candy
    Out of control, raging
  • The water slowly TRICKLED into my cup
    Flow or fall in small drops
  • Cory and his brother went on a QUEST to find the perfect present for his mom
    A search or trip to achieve a goal
  • My bright blue hair makes me look UNIQUE
    Single in kind, unlike others
  • The MELLOW music in the classroom relaxed Sari
    Calm, smooth
  • Kyra's mom kept telling her to stop DAWDLING and finish getting ready for school or she'd be late
    Moving slowly, wasting time
  • The baseball game was a SHAM, the referee kept making bad calls
    Fake, a scam
  • You should always consider many FACTORS before making a decision
    Elements contributing to a situation
  • When I get in trouble, my parents CONFISCATE my computer
    Take away
  • When Arya saw the OMINOUS man at the door, her friend's warning made sense
    Creepy, spooky
  • The FRAGRANCE of the flowers filled the room
    Smell, scent
  • Ora looked sadly at the DEBRIS of the vase she'd broken
    Scattered and broken pieces
  • I have a lot of things on my AGENDA today, so I won't have much free time
    List, plan, outline of things to be done
  • I skipped lunch so by dinner time, I was FAMISHED
    Extremely hungry
  • I figured out what the most popular video game is by gathering DATA from all my friends
  • Ally and Emmy climbed the KNOLL behind their house to go sledding
    A small hill or mound
  • The kids at my school show a BIAS in favor of playing football
    Feeling, tendency, opinion
  • Dylan always managed to EVADE his sister when she wanted help with her homework
    Avoid, escape from
  • The mood was extremely SOMBER while Clay said goodbye to his friends before he moved
    Sad and serious