
GW6 Unit 3 Grammar

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  • Why did Sam phone his friends?
    He phoned his friends to....
  • Jack / market / buy meat
    Jack WENT TO THE market TO buy meat
  • Monica / her friend's house / do homework
    Monica WENT TO her friend's house TO do homework
  • Why did Ale go home?
    He went home to....
  • Laura / market / buy vegetables
    Laura WENT TO THE market TO buy vegetables
  • Why did Lilly take a football?
    She took a football to....
  • Why did Toni catch a bus?
    Toni caught a bus to...
  • Why did Tina bake a cake?
    She baked a cake to....
  • Mike / cinema / watch a film
    Mike WENT TO THE cinema TO watch a film
  • Why did Dani buy rice?
    He bought rice to....