
Language revision- level 3

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  • What's the missing word in the following sentence? It's far multicultural than it was ten years ago
    It's far MORE multicultural than it was ten years ago
  • How do you say 'tomar el pelo' in English?
    to pull your leg
  • How do you say: 'contar una historia' in English?
    To tell a story
  • How do you say in English....? Si fuera rico, viajaría por todo el mundo
    If I was/were rich, I'd (would) travel around the world.
  • Translate: Hi havia molta gent
    There were a lot of people
  • Choose the correct option: Are you OK? You look /look like a bit confused
    Are you OK? You look a bit confused
  • What preposition do you need in this sentence? She was born _______________ July
    She was born IN July
  • How do you say the following question in English? ¿Has hecho ejercicio esta semana?
    Have you done any exercise this week?
  • Correct the following sentence: Can you tell me where is the station?
    Can you tell me where the station IS
  • Is this sentence correct? She had come to gave me a surprise.
    No. It should be: to give me a surprise
  • What preposition do you need in this sentence? She was born _______________ May 5th
    She was born ON May 5th
  • Is this sentence correct? I lived in London during five years
    No. It should be: . for five years
  • What's the missing word in the following sentence? It wasn't nice as the last time we went there.
    It wasn't AS nice as the last time we went there.
  • Choose the correct option: Why don't you come round on Friday? We have / are having a barbecue for my birthday.
    Why don't you come round on Friday? We are having a barbecue for my birthday.
  • How do you say ' hacer oidos sordos' in English?
    to turn a deaf ear
  • Translate: Vivo en Londres desde hace tres años.
    I have lived in London for three years. I have been living in London for three years.
  • Translate: Habia mucha contaminación.
    There was a lot of pollution
  • How do you say 'hacer la vista gorda' in English?
    to turn a blind eye
  • How do you say in English the following sentence? 'Me haces reir'
    You make me laugh!
  • Do you do or make someone a favour?
    You do someone a favour