
Hypothetical Social Scenarios

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  • One of your classmates lies and tells the teacher you were saying mean things to them, when you did not. How does that make you feel? Tell me one way you can solve the problem.
    angry, can ignore that person and tell the teacher calmly that did not happen
  • When I am in the yellow zone, what tools do I need to bring myself back to green zone?
    control --> hard and heavy work like wall sits
    alert --> fast movements like jumping jacks
  • You're in class working with a small group on a project. While the rest of the group is working together, one of your classmates in the group keeps looking at random YouTube videos on their Chromebook. How does the the group feel?
  • During class you keep talking to your neighbor while the teacher is talking. Your teacher tells you please stop talking. After a few more minutes, you start talking to your neighbor again. How will your teacher feel when you talk again?
  • You and your friend got in a fight yesterday. The next day at school, you said "hi" to your friend and they ignored you and walked away. How do you feel? How can you solve the problem?
    confused, give you friend some space and then apologize
  • Your mom is cooking dinner and asks you to set the table. You keep playing a game and do not set the table. When your mom walks in the dining room, she notices the table is not set. How does she feel? How can you solve the problem?
    annoyed/frustrated, you can apologize and then get up and set the table right away
  • At recess you are playing tag. One of your classmates "tags" you by pushing you to the ground. You fall and scrape your knee. How do you feel? How can you solve this problem?
    Hurt/in-pain, tell a teacher and clean up knee with Band-Aid
  • At lunch one of your friends snatches one of your cookies and eats it. How does that make you feel? How can you solve this problem?
    angry/annoyed, tell them to please don't take my food, next time just ask nicely
  • Your friends are talking about a movie but you really want to talk about Kings Island. All of the sudden during conversation you blurt out "I WENT TO KINGS ISLAND LAST WEEKEND". Your friends then stare at you. How do your friends feel? Why?
    confused/annoyed, because you were off topic
  • When I am in the blue zone, what tools do I need to bring myself back to green zone?
    alert --> fast movements like jumping jacks
    control --> hard and heavy work like wall sits