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  • What is the human population of Earth?
    7.9 billion
  • To the nearest 10%, how much of Russia's energy is produced by burning fossil fuels?
  • True or false? 113 countries have no laws to ensure equal pay for men and women.
  • To the nearest hundred acres, how many acres of rainforest are cleared every minute?
  • True or false? The U.N hopes to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals by 2050.
    False. The U.N hopes to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
  • To the nearest 10%, what percentage of women experience gender-related violence?
    30% (1.2 billion women).
  • True or false? 100,000 children younger than 5 die each year because of poor sanitation, or unsafe drinking water.
    False. Almost 300,000 children younger than 5 die each year because of poor sanitation, or unsafe drinking water.
  • How many trees are used to make 1000 kilograms of paper?
  • What percentage of the world's population lives on less than $2 a day?
  • How much does illegal logging cost the Russian economy each year? (In USD).
    $1 billion
  • True or false? 50% of all water in Russia is polluted.
  • True or false? Every year Russia loses 160,000 square kilometers of forest to fires or illegal logging.
  • To the nearest 10%, what percentage of American waste could be recyled?
  • To the nearest billion, how many aluminium cans do Americans use each year?
    80 billion
  • True or false? A plastic shopping bag is used, on average, for only 12 minutes.
  • How many Sustainable Development Goals does the United Nations have?
  • True of false? 1 in 9 people worldwide is malnourished, or frequently hungry.
    True. Almost 900 million people worldwide are malnourished, or frequently hungry.
  • True or false? 9 billion kilograms of carbon dioxide is produced each year when computer screens are left on overnight.
  • True or false? In developing countries, one quarter of girls do not attend school.
  • To the nearest 10%, what percentage of organisms on Earth live in the rainforests?
  • To the nearest 100 million, how many people worldwide have no basic healthcare?
    400 million
  • To the nearest 5%, by how much do we need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions before 2050 to avoid a climate disaster?
  • True or false? The average American uses 100 kilograms of paper each year.
    False. The average American uses 300 kilograms of paper each year.
  • To the nearest 5%, what percentage of American waste is recycled?
  • To the nearest 50 million, how many trees would we save each year if we recycled all of our newspapers?
    250 million
  • True or false? Plastic shopping bags take up to 500 years to decompose.
    False. Plastic shopping bags take up to 1000 years to decompose.
  • True or false? 50% of the energy used by a washing machine is spent heating water.
    False. 90% of the energy a washing machine uses is spent heating the water. Use a cool wash to save energy.
  • According to the United Nations, what will the human population of earth be in 2057?
    10 billion
  • To the nearest 10 million, how many children under 5 worldwide are dangerously underweight?
    90 million
  • True or false? A fifteen minute shower uses about 100 liters of water.
    False. A fifteen minute shower can use up to 190 liters of water.