
Context Clues

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  • If you don't CURTAIL your spending, you'll be broke in no time. a. reduce b. increase c. buy things online
  • It's not that I am unfriendly, but sometimes I want to leave SOCIETY behind and be alone for awhile. a. job or workplace b. friends from childhood c. people living as members of a group
  • That place has an EXTENSIVE selection of cars, so you won't have problems finding one you like. a. costing a lot of money b. large enough c. small number
  • Bob and Joe are having a DISPUTE over whether or not the Bruins are the best team ever. They can never agree on anything! a. choice b. discussion c. disagreement
  • The United States has a VAST amount of crude oil. If we can tap into it, gas will be cheaper because we have so much oil. a. large amount b. good quality c. useful
  • Poor Farmer Jones LABORS 19 hours a day and has no time to spend with his family. a. rides his tractor b. wastes time c. works
  • Nobody can talk about this military action. It has to be a CLANDESTINE operation in order to be successful. a. useful b. secret c. dangerous
  • My neighbor is working night and day to knit scarves to send to the troops. What a SELFLESS person she is. a. bored b. has no personality c. puts other people's needs first
  • Friendship is a PRICELESS thing. It is more valuable than diamonds. a. expensive b. it has great value c. it is useless
  • Christmas is a time when dad REVERTS to his childhood and really looks forward to Santa's visit. a. is happy about b. goes back to be what he was c. shares the holiday season
  • Fortunately, the explosion DIVERTED the asteroid from a course that would have sent it hurdling into our planet. a. destroyed b. change direction of c. see through telescope
  • Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if an INTRUDER gets in the house. a. someone who goes where he/she does not belong b. a thief c. a nosy person
  • The news story was based on a letter that was a FABRICATION. Now nobody believes that news reporter any more. a. made of cloth b. too many words c. fake or false
  • The antibiotic will INHIBIT growth of the bacteria by killing it, so it doesn't spread. a. block/slow down b. burn and destroy c. live in
  • I told the teacher I was late because my mom overslept. She said that excuse is not PLAUSIBLE because she saw my mom drive by early in the morning. a. it's believable enough to be possible b. crazy idea c. a terrible excuse