
Charades and Jokes

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  • How do you make the number one disappear?
    Add a G and it is gone!
  • "I am a celebrity fish."
  • "I have 13 hearts but I am not alive".
    Deck of cards
  • Why was 6 afraid of 7?
    Because 7 8 9
  • "People buy me to eat, but never eat me!"
    A plate
  • "Say my name and I disappear. What am I?"
  • What did the Science book say to the Math book?
    You've got problems!
  • "I am always in front of you, but you will never see me. What am I?"
    The future
  • Where do cows go on Fridays?
    To the MOO-vies
  • What cries without a voice, flutters without wings, and bites without a mouth?
  • "You can swallow me, but I can also swallow you. What am I?"
  • What did the beach say to the tide?
    Long time, no sea!
  • What day of the week most twins are born?