
Cell Structure & Function

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  • What does it mean to say that the cell is the most "basic unit of life"?
    If a cell was broken down into its parts, those parts would not be considered living on their own
  • What is the main function for nucleic acids in a cell?
    provide information/instructions for making an organism (and proteins)
  • What is the purpose of proteins embedded in the cell membrane?
    transport, communication, signaling, connecting cells, etc.
  • Finish the sentence: When viewing cells through a microscope, the _____________________ is usually visible for eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
    cell membrane
  • T/F: The cell theory applies to plants, animals, bacteria, rocks, and soil. Explain.
    False; The cell theory only applies to LIVING organisms.
  • Give an example for organisms that are made of prokaryotic cells.
  • What is the job of the cell membrane?
    regulates/controls what goes in and out of the cell
  • What is the main macromolecule that makes up the cell membrane?
    lipids (phospholipid bilayer)
  • Explain the structure of a phospholipid.
    Hydrophilic head; 2 hydrophobic tails
  • What are orgelles?
    specialized structures found in eukaryotic cells that allow for specific functions
  • How many cells make up eukaryotic organisms?
    many (multicellular)
  • What does the cell theory state?
    1. all living things are made of cells 2. cells are the basic unit of life 3. cells come from other cells
  • Why are ribosomes important for the cell?
    They are the site for protein synthesis.
  • Which types of cells contain nucleic acids?
  • Which structures are found in ALL cells?
    cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, ribosomes
  • Where is the genetic information found for prokaryotic cells?
    free-floating (in the cytoplasm in a region called the nucleoid)
  • Give an example for organisms that are made of eukaryotic cells.
    animal, plant, fungi, protist
  • What is a nucleus? Which colored structure is it in the image?
    organelle that controls protects a cell's DNA- red
  • Explain why humans have so many different types of cells.
    specialized cells for specialized functions
  • What type of cells are pictured? How do you know?
    eukaryotic cells (nucleus present)
  • What is the purpose of carbohydrates found in/on the plasma membrane?
    structural support/ cell signaling and recognition
  • How many cells make up prokaryotic organims?
  • Which major structures do plant cells have that animal cells lack?
    chloroplasts, cell wall, central vacuole
  • What are the two main types of cells?
    prokaryotic, eukaryotic
  • What type of cell is pictured? How do you know?
    bacteria (prokaryotic) cell--no nucleus; coccus/sphere shaped