
6th Grade WU

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  • Is this a population or a community?
    It's an example of community.
  • True or False: an endangered species is in danger of becoming extinct.
  • What is one way humans are endagering other species?
    Contamination, hunting.
  • What could be one of the problems of having too many lions in the Savanna?
    They can kill too many animals. / They can starve to death.
  • Define abiotic factor.
    It's a nonliving thing in an ecosystem.
  • Is this a primary consumer?
    Yes, it is.
  • Define producers.
    A factor that can create its own food.
  • What is the place that combines living and nonlving things?
    It's an ecosystem.
  • Can you draw an example of an abiotic factor?
    Yes, I can.
  • Is this an example of parasitism?
    Yes, it is.
  • Define biotic factor.
    It's a living thing in an ecosystem.
  • Is the dolphin a predator?
    Yes. Because they are scary :(
  • Is this food chain correct? 1) Grass 2) Cow 3) Lion.
    No, it isn't. Lions probably don't coexist with cows naturally.
  • Define consumer.
    It's an animal that eats other things for energy.
  • True or False: All food chains start with a producer.
  • Can you draw a biotic factor?
    Yes, I can.
  • What is a predator?
    It's an animal that eats other animals.
  • Are Gorillas endangered?
    Yes, they are.
  • Is this a community or a population?
    A population.
  • Define biotic factor.
    It's a living thing in an ecosystem.
  • True or False: Contamination affects only the temperature of the planet, not animals and plants.
  • If the producer is grass, and the secondary consumer is the lion. Who could be a primary consumer?
    Zebra, giraffe, antellope.