
16.11.2021 Olga

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  • You can't ..................... (wejść do budynku) without a pass.
    enter the building
  • They are arguing next to them child.
    They are arguing next to their child.
  • I didn't heard about it before.
    I didn't hear about it before.
  • a disagreement or fight between two people or groups
    a face-off
  • It .................. (zależy od) my son.
    depends on
  • The boss r..................... (shouted) them out for sleeping on the job.
  • I don't think it makes people to sound stupid.
    I don't think it makes people sound stupid.
  • They had to describe what does it mean.
    They had to describe what it means.
  • a lazy, untidy, and often rude person
  • He spent more than 10 zl for a pizza.
    He spent more than 10 zl on a pizza.