
Everybody Up Starter - Unit 8 Lesson 4

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  • How many eyes does the monster have?
    The monster has 4 eyes.
  • Name 1 words starting with "X". X is for...?
    X is for x-ray and xylophone.
  • What are they? How many are there?
    They are feet. There are 2 feet.
  • Name 3 words starting with "Z". Z is for...?
    Z is for zebra, zipper, zoom
  • Can you swing your arms?
    Yes, I can!
  • What are they?
    They are women.
  • Can you touch your hair?
    Yes, I can!
  • What is it?
    It's a zebra.
  • What is it?
    It's an arm.
  • Can you stomp your feet?
    Yes, I can!
  • What can you touch?
    I can touch my eyes, ears, mouth, and nose!
  • What are they? How many?
    They are hands. There are 10 hands!
  • What is it? How many?
    It's a nose! Just 1 nose.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a fox!
  • How many noses does the monster have?
    The monster has no nose!
  • Name 3 words starting with "W". W is for...?
    W is for woman, white, wind, walk...
  • Can you shake youor hands?
    Yes, I can!
  • What is it?
    It's a leg!
  • What is it?
    It's a man and a yo-yo.
  • What are they? How many?
    There are 2 eyes.
  • Name 3 words starting with "Y". Y is for...?
    Y is for yo-yo, yak, yellow, yes...
  • What are they? How many?
    There are two ears.