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  • The rail suffered thermal shock due to excessive heat. (Must)
    The rail must have suffered thermal shock due to excessive heat.
  • The captain didn't realise that the depth of water in the channel was insufficient. (can't)
    The captain can't have realised that the depth of water in the channel was insufficient.
  • The Warsaw radio mast collapsed because of human error. (have)
    The Warsaw radio mast must have collapsed because of human error.
  • The cables securing the mast didn’t fasten correctly. (have)
    The cables securing the mast can't have fastened correctly.
  • The captain wanted to save time by steering close to the headland. (have)
    The captain must have wanted to save time by steering close to the headland.
  • A broken rail caused the rail crash (must)
    A broken rail must have caused the rail crash
  • The houses didn't collapse in the earthquake because of a design error. (can't)
    The houses can't have collapsed in the earthquake because of a design error.
  • The substandard concrete didn't cause the disintegration of the bridge. (can't)
    The substandard concrete can't have caused the disintegration of the bridge.
  • The flight crew fell asleep due to cabin depressurisation and lack of oxygen. (fallen)
    The flight crew must have fallen asleep due to cabin depressurisation and lack of oxygen.
  • The aircraft didn't have a mechanical failure (had)
    The aircraft can't have had a mechanical failure