
Halloween Riddles

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  • Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat? Just a spot. These are all what witches brew inside this big black pot. What is it?
    A cauldron
  • I protect, I stand tall my purpose is to strike fear in all. What am I?
    A scarecrow
  • I am a body with a leg, an arm, and a head, but I look like I am naked and bare.
    A skeleton
  • I’m wrapped, but I’m not a gift. I’m kept neatly in a chamber and archeologists find me as a great treasure.
    A mummy
  • I am a room in your house where you watch TV and have fun, but I’m the one room in which ghosts, ghouls, and vampires will never, ever come. What am I?
    The living room
  • I'm sweet and taste great, I come in different shapes and sizes. To get me, you must say "Trick or treat!" What am I?
  • The person who built it sold it, the person who used it never saw it, the person who bought it never used it. What am I?
    A coffin
  • I'm tall when I'm young, I'm short when I'm old, and every halloween I stand inside Jack-O'-Lanterns. What am I?
    A candle
  • I'm creepy, love to crawl, have 8 legs, and eat bugs. What am I?
    A spider
  • I look like a white sheet someone wears, but I'm a spooky thing – beware! Who am I?
    A ghost
  • Remove my seeds and carve a face, your front doorstep is where I'm placed. What am I?
    A pumpkin
  • When is it bad luck to see a black cat?
    When you're a mouse
  • With pointed fangs I sit and wait. With piercing force, I dole out fate. Over bloodless victims, I proclaim my might I can eternally join with a single bite. What am I?
    Dracula / Vampire
  • I have a name but it isn’t mine You don’t think about me while in your prime People cry when I’m in their sight Others lie with me all day and night. What am I?
    A tombstone / Gravestone
  • I'm a very common pet, witches simply love me. I'm always by their side, that's where I want to be! Who am I?
    A cat
  • I fly at night and hate the light. Vampires think that I'm alright. What am I?
    A bat
  • Part man, part monster with a great sense of smell. I love the full moon and howl at the night sky. What am I?
    A werewolf
  • From the head down to toes, through every living being I flow. Some people might faint when they see me though! What am I?
  • A crooked nose and a black hat, a wart on my face, now who is that?
    A witch
  • I don’t have lungs, but I need air. I dance, I live, I drink, I die. I’m always hungry, ready to eat. I rarely thirst, I can barely drink. Shoot me, stab me I don’t mind. Suffocate or drown me, I’ll be no more.
    A fire
  • Each morning I appear to lie at your feet. All day I will follow no matter how fast you run, yet I nearly perish (die) in the midday sun.
    A shadow
  • I have big, round eyes and at night I fly. What am I?
    An Owl
  • I can sweep, I can fly, I can take a witch for a ride. What am I?
    A broom
  • Ring the bell and come in, I have lots of lovely things. No lights but lots of creaking floors and on top some slamming doors. What am I?
    A haunted house