
ByG 1º ESO Unit 1. The universe and our planet  ...

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  • Which planet lies on its side?
  • A group of stars and gas held together by gravity
    A galaxy
  • What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?
  • One revolution of the Earth around the Sun takes .........
    one year.
  • Which theory said that the Earth was in the centre of the universe?
    Geocentric theory
  • The distance light travels in one year.
    A light year
  • Which planet rotates backwards compared to Earth? a) Uranus or B) Saturn?
    a) Uranus
  • The farthest planet from the sun is…
  • Name the 4 outer planets (farthest from the sun) and give a brief description.
    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - gas giants, freezing temperatures, many moons, and ring systems
  • What is the closest planet to the Sun?
  • The Moon is a ..................... of the Earth.
  • Is this a star or a planet?
  • ............ is the biggest planet.
  • Does Mars have an atmosphere?
  • ______________________ is when the earth moves on its axis.
  • Stars, planets and satellites make groups called ........... .
    Planetary systems
  • Choose Inner Planets or Outer Planets: Which group of planets have a smaller diameter?
    Inner Planets
  • How do we call the plane in which the planets orbit the Sun?
    The ecliptic.
  • How many planets are there in our solar system?
  • What do we call the imaginary line that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole?
  • What is the universe doing since its origin?
  • What are small icy objects that orbit the Sun?
  • Planets give light. True or False
    False. The planets do not give light.
  • A large cloud of gas and dust in space, where stars are born.
    A nebula
  • What keeps Earth and other planets in their orbits around the Sun?
  • Which planets have solid surfaces, few moons and no rings?
    Terrestrial planets
  • The largest planet in the Solar System is…
  • Name the 2 places where asteroids are located in the solar system.
    Wide area between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter/ area past Pluto, know as the Kuiper Belt
  • The Earth moves in an ellipse shape. This is called an ........... .
  • Which is the most famous dwarf planet?
  • What is the name of our galaxy?
    The Milky Way
  • Name the 4 inner planets (closest to the sun) and give a brief description.
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - small and rocky
  • Name two dwarf planets
    Pluto, Ceres, Eris...
  • What do you call a scientist who studies outer space?
  • Small mass of dust and ice that originates in an area beyond Pluto called the Oort cloud
  • How can the planets in our solar system be divided?
    Terrestrial and Jovian