
Quick English Quiz

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  • What do we call two English words that combine to make one?
    A portmanteau is a word that blends the sounds of two English words to make a new word that combines their meanings. For example, hangry means hungry and angry
  • How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
    26 letters
  • Which has changed more over the years, English pronunciation or English spelling?
    English Pronunciation has.
  • What is a pangram sentence?
    For example "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
  • There is a name for words in English that we often repeat... what is it?
    a "crutch". For example - "Like, So, Basically, Honestly"
  • What is the most commonly used letter in the English alphabet?
  • What two other languages have had the strongest influence on the English language?
    German (Old) and French (Norman)
  • How many different sounds are there in English?
  • Do children in English-speaking countries learn to read more quickly or more slowly than children in other countries?
    Surprisngly, more slowly!
  • What is the shortest, oldest and most commonly used word in the English language?
  • There approximately 1 million (1,000,000) words in the English language! But, how many does the average speaker know?
    20,000 - 30,000 words
  • What is the most commonly used adjective in the English language?