
Perspectives 3 - 3B Review

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  • Which word is a synonym of "synonym dictionary"? a.) TYRANNOSAURUS b.) BRACHIOSAURUS c.) THESAURUS d.) STEGOSAURUS
    c.) Thesaurus
  • Which answer is a synonym of "amounts"? What's the difference between the two words? a.) SUMS b.) NUMBERS c.) EQUALS d.) ALGEBRA
    a.) Sums  (a sum is a total amount)
  • Which answer is a synonym of "money"? What's the difference between the two words? a.) CENTS b.) FUNDING c.) AMOUNTS d.) CREDIT CARD
    b.) Funding (funding is the money you give someone to do something)
  • Which answer is a synonym of "slow change over time"? a.) EFFLUENCE b.) CHANGELING c.) SLUGGISH d.) EVOLUTION
    d.) Evolution
  • Which answer is a paraphrase of "core principles"? a.) HEAD TEACHER b.) HEART OF THE LEADER c.) MAIN BELIEFS d.) MIDDLE IDEA
    c.) main beliefs
  • Which answer is a synonym of "annoyed"? a.) IRRITATED b.) UNCOMFORTABLE c.) SIBLING d.) JUMP ON
    a) irritated
  • Name 3 different sports for each person on your team.
    Answers will vary.
  • What is a synonym?
    A word with a similar or same meaning to another word.
  • Which answer is a synonym of "selected"? a.) MANAGED b.) FIGURED c.) HIGHLIGHTED d.) CHOSEN
    d.) Chosen
  • Which answer is a paraphrase of "tackle challenges"? a.) KNOCK SOMEONE DOWN b.) WIN GAMES c.) ATTACK ATHLETES d.) SOLVE PROBLEMS
    d.) Solve problems
  • Which answer is a synonym of "stop on the side of the road"? a.) PULL OVER b.) PULL UP c.) PULL INTO d.) PULL OUT
    a.) pul over
  • Which answer is a synonym of "top"? a.) ELITE b.) ABOVE c.) MOUNTAIN d.) ESTABLISH
    a.) ELITE
  • What is a paraphrase?
    A phrase (several words grouped together) that means something very similar to another phrase.