
God sends Manna and Quail

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  • Why did the Israelites complain to Moses?
    They were hungry and did not trust God.
  • what happened when people collect too much manna?
    It went bad, it spoiled; they couldn't eat it.
  • What did the Israelites need in the desert?
    Food and water.
  • What miracle did God do for His people?
    Manna came down from the heaven and a flock of quail.
  • What does Manna mean?
    What is it?
  • what kind of this bird is?How do this bird relate with the Israelites?
    Quail, God send a flock of quail for Israelites to get meat.
  • Does God keep his promise?
    Yes, God does.
  • How did God respond to the people's complaint?
    He provided quail and manna for them.