
Fly High 3 Review 5

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  • Say it in English: Красная сумка хуже, чем коричневая сумка.
    The red bag is worse than the brown bag.
  • Where was he on Monday?
    He was at school.
  • What was the weather like last weekend?
    It was windy and rainy.
  • Say it in English: Эта ваза самая красивая.
    This vase is the prettiest.
  • How do you spell the number?
  • How do you spell the numder?
  • Were they at the supermarket yesterday afternoon?
    No, they weren't. They were at home.
  • Say it in English: Мой папа самый лучший!
    My dad is the best!
  • Compare the animals!
    The pig is fatter than the cat.
  • Where were they last summer?
    They were on holidays.
  • Were they at the cinema last Sunday?
    No, they weren't. They were in the playground.
  • Compare the animals!
    The giraffe is taller than the elephant.
  • Were you in the library two days ago?
    Yes, we were.
  • What was the weather like yesterday?
    It was sunny and warm.
  • Complete the sentence: Bob is ....
    Bob is the shortest.
  • Where was she last year?
    She was in Turkey last year.
  • Say it in English: Где ты был в прошлую пятницу?
    Where were you last Friday?