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  • You have been listening to the teacher talk for a long time and you start to daydream. You cannot follow or understand the teacher anymore. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • You are at a restaurant with your family and everyone is talking and laughing, but you can’t understand the conversation. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • You are working together with classmates and it is loud in the classroom. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • You are seated in the classroom near a fan or open door. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • You are going on a field trip to an outdoor museum and it is windy and hard to hear. What can you do to make sure you hear the guide?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • What makes it hard to hear the teacher?
    The teacher is talking with his face to the board.
  • The announcements came on at the same time the teacher was giving out your homework assignment, so you missed the assignment. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • What makes it hard to hear the teacher?
    You are in the classroom and the teacher begins to talk in the back of the classroom.
  • You are in an assembly and your class has to sit in the back. You are having trouble hearing the speaker’s presentation.
    Give an appropriate answer
  • You are in class and students are giving a presentation. You can't hear them very well. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • The teacher is talking about social studies and you missed one of the words she said. You don’t understand what she is teaching anymore. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • You are in class and everyone is wearing masks. Why can this be a problem?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • You are outside playing soccer at recess and you can’t hear your teammates call your name, so you never get the ball. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer
  • You are at music class and everyone is learning a new song. You cannot understand the words of the song and you are having trouble hearing the words over the music. What can you do?
    Give an appropriate answer