
Correct the funny signs

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  • Can you correct this sign?
    School TOO easy for kids
  • Can you correct this sign?
    It is forbidden to flush ANYTHING down the toilet
  • Can you correct this sign?
    Illegally parked cars will be fined
  • Can you correct this sign?
    Potatoes with a spicy sauce
  • Can you correct this sign?
    In fact a goat that ate a tin can would get TERRIBLY sick
  • Can you correct this sign?
    God does not make MISTAKES
  • Can you correct this sign?
    No REGRETS (That's difficult to believe)
  • Can you correct this sign?
    THANK YOU for not smoking
  • Can you correct this sign?
    SWEET tea
  • Can you correct this sign?
    Welcome tourists, we speak English
  • Can you correct this sign?
    Attention, toilet only for Disabled, Elderley, Pregnant and Children
  • Can you correct this sign?
  • Can you correct this sign?
    We BUY used cars
  • Can you correct this sign?
    Employees must wash hands before LEAVING
  • Can you correct this sign?
    Please use TONGS or tissue paper when making your selection
  • Can you correct this sign?
    Education is important but big biceps are even MORE IMPORTANT
  • Can you correct this sign?
    Are you sure you want to EXIT
  • Can you correct this sign?
    No CELL phones