
Catapult Class

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  • What happens to the projectile if no force is applied? Why?
  • What is a Catapult?
    A Toy used to launch something to a Distance
  • What is Muscular Energy?
    Energy stored in the Muscles
  • What forces were used to move the projectile?
    1. Muscular Force 2. Stored Energy in the ice cream sticks
  • Explain Newton's 3rd Law
    For every action ....
  • What are the different kinds of Motion you know?
    Straight line, Circular, Zig Zag, Up down, Back front
  • How does a Catapult work?
    When you push down at one end.....
  • Name all 6 simple Machines
  • What is a Projectile?
    Something that is sent flying
  • Which Projectile seems to launch the Furthest? Why?
  • What type of simple machine is it? Where is the load, fulcrum and effort?