
You are the doctor

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  • She fainted, what should you do?
    Tell her she'll be fine
    Make sure she is breathing deeply and has water and food
    Tell her to go for a run
  • He is feeling very hot, what should you do?
    Give him a blanket
    Tell him to put on a jumper
    Turn on the heating
    Give him some water
  • She is going to have a baby, what should you do?
    Call the midwife and help deliver the baby
    give her some medicine
    Tell her you're busy and she will have to wait
  • He hurt himself playing football, what should you do?
    Look at what the problem is and treat the injury
    Tell him to go for a run
    Tell him to go to bed
    Tell him to continue playing football
  • She ate some peanuts and had an allergic reaction, what should you do?
    Tell her to go home, she's fine
    Give her some medicine
    Give her more peanuts
  • She thinks se has the Coronavirus, what should you do?
    Tell her to go to a party
    Test her and if it's positive tell her to stay at home
    No problem, she'll be fine
  • He is really dehydrated, what should you do?
    Give him some water
    Tell him to go for a run
    Tell him to go to the desert
  • She has really bad allergies, what should you do?
    Drink water
    Give her some medication
    Tell her to stay in bed
    Eat some pizza
  • He ate too much food, what should you do?
    Make him go for a run
    Have him go for a walk and drink some water
    Give him more food
  • He has broken his arm, what should you do?
    Tell him to go to sleep
    Put the arm in a plaster cast
    Give him some chocolate
    He will be fine, he can go home
  • She wants to eat healthier, what advice should you give her
    Eat Mcdonalds every single day
    Only eat frozen food
    Eat lots of fruit, vegetables and fresh food
    Eat lots of cake and Ice cream
  • He wants to get fitter, what advice could you give him?
    Lie on the sofa
    Find a sport or exercise you really enjoy and walk a lot
    Eat lots of cake
    Drive everywhere
  • She can't sleep, what should you do?
    Tell her you don't need to sleep
    Give her some medicine
    Tell her to listen to loud music
  • His back is really sore, what should you do?
    Drink water
    Sleep on the floor
    Lift lots of heavy objects
    Have him do lots of stretches and exercises
  • He is feeling really cold, what should you do?
    Tell him to go outside
    Make sure he has warm clothes and a blanket
    Tell him to take off his coat
  • His head hurts, what should you do?
    Give him some painkillers and a glass of water
    Cut open and operate on his head
    Play some really loud music
  • His nose got bitten by a duck, what should you do?
    Examine his nose and check it isn't broken
    Find the duck and have the duck bite him again
  • She's sunburned, what should you do?
    Apply some cream and tell her to stay inside
    Tell her to go to the beach