
EU2 U6L3

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  • What number is this?
    It's fifty-five.
  • Which room is it?
    It's a living room.
  • Are there three beds in the bedroom?
    No, there aren't.
  • What number is it?
    It's nineteen!
  • Which room is it?
    It's a bedroom!
  • Is there a panda next to the cake?
    No, there isn't. There's a chimpanzee next to the cake!
  • What is it?
    It's a television!
  • Is there a bed next to the bookshelf?
    Yes, there is!
  • What is on the bookshelf?
    Books are on the bookshelf.
  • Is the bathroom clean or dirty?
    It's very dirty!
  • Are there any elephants in the bedroom?
    No, there aren't.
  • Is there a sofa in the living room?
    Yes, there is.
  • Are there any tables in the living room?
    Yes, there are!
  • What is it?
    It's a clock!
  • Is the bedroom clean? What should we do?
    The bedroom is very messy. Let's clean up!
  • Which room is it?
    It's a kitchen.
  • Is there a table in the kitchen?
    No, there isn't.
  • Are there two tables in the dining room?
    Yes, there aren't.