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  • This happens after May, you can go to the beach during this time, the weather is hot during this time. What am I?
  • I wear a red suit, I have a long white beard, and I ride on a sleigh. Who am I?
    Santa Claus
  • I have red cape, I can fly faster than anyone on the planet, and I have a big S on my chest. Who am I?
  • I am big, you can fit five people in me, and I can drive on the road. What am I?
  • I happen during the fall, you can dress up in a costume, and children trick-or-treat at night. What am I?
  • I am circular-shaped, I am a dessert, and I can be chewy or crunchy. What am I?
  • I am a liquid, I am very sweet, and I fizz when you open me. What am I?
    Cocacola / Coke / Soda
  • I am small, you use me to talk to friends and family, and I am rectangular-shaped. What am I?
    Cell phone / Phone
  • I am yellow, I have many windows, and I drive children to school every day. What am I?
    School bus
  • I move very slow, I am undead, and I eat brains. Who am I?
  • I live with you, your parents are my parents, and I am a girl. Who am I?
  • I am lit by matches, I am made of wax, and I can be scented. What am I?
  • You can write in me, you use me in class, you can put me in your bookbag. What am I?
  • I am a liquid, I am made of roasted beans, and you can buy me at Starbucks. What am I?
  • I have whiskers, I have nine lives, and I am a feline. What am I?
  • Cows and horses live here, I can be a type of salad dressing, and I am in the countryside. What am I?
  • I am in the kitchen, you can bake cookies in me, I am fairly big. What am I?
  • I am black and white, I eat Bamboo, and I am a native to China. What am I?
    Panda bear
  • I blow air, I am used during the summer, and I am circular shaped. What am I?
  • I am a electronic, I am portable, and I am small. What am I?