
Used to

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  • I didn't eat banana when I was a kid. Now, I love banana.
    I didn't use to eat banana.
  • Ten years ago, I studied Japanese. Now, I don’t study Japanese.
    I used to study Japanese.
  • When I was 2 years old, I was an only child. Now I have got 2 brothers.
    I used to be an only child.
  • Last year, my classmate didn’t study hard. Now, he studies hard.
    My classmate didn’t use to study hard.
  • When I was young, I was lazy. Now, I’m not lazy.
    I used to be lazy.
  • A long time ago, people didn’t have electricity. Now, people have electricity
    People didn’t use to have electricity.
  • A long time ago, people didn’t have TV. Now, people have TV.
    People didn’t use to have TV.
  • When Sarah was younger, she was short. Now, Sarah is tall.
    Sarah used to be short.
  • Martin Luther King Jr was a Star Trek fan.
    Martin Luther King used to be a Star Trek fan.
  • Taylor Swift started writing songs because she felt lonely.
    Taylor Swift started writing songs because she used to feel lonely.
  • Madonna worked at Dunkin' Donuts before she became famous.
    Madonna used to work at Dunkin' Donuts before she became famous.
  • Last month, I rode my bicycle to school. Now, I don’t ride my bicycle to school.
    I used to ride my bicycle to school.
  • Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling were friends.
    Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling used to be friends.
  • Before, I didn’t do exercise. Now, I do exercise.
    I didn’t use to exercise.
  • I played cards with Paul last year. Now, we don't play cards anymore.
    I used to play cards with Paul.