
William's crazy day

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  • Where does he go?
  • William has had a scary, crazy day, he needs to do something fun to relax, what is he going to do?
  • William wakes up, what is the first thing he sees?
  • William's had a crazy morning, now he wants a yummy lunch, what is he going to have?
  • He goes into his bathroom, what does he see?
  • What does he see?
  • What does he see in his kitchen?
  • He's home, what a day! Now he's going to watch something on T.V. to relax, what should he watch?
  • Someone or something comes to help William, what is it?
  • Is he feeling scared?
  • What does he see?
  • Now William goes somewhere scary, where does he go?
  • What does he do?
  • Now he's hungry and wants some breakfast, what does he eat?
  • William escapes the scary place and is hungry again, what does he eat?
  • He returns home, how does he travel home?
  • Nearly time for bed, what's the last thing he should do before bed?
  • He then decides he needs to leave his house, how does he decide to travel?