
African Empires and European Imperialism

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  • This is the term for thinking your group or ethnicity is better than other people's.
  • King Mansa Musa gave out so much of WHAT that he caused its price to drop dramatically?
  • This is the formal term for something that is "native to" or "original to" a place
  • Eurasia has a very broad stretch of land at similar latitudes that is excellent for WHAT?
  • One of the key technologies that Europeans acquired at a critical point in history was WHAT?
    Guns (and/or steel weapons)
  • This is the vocabulary term (2 words) for the spread of ideas and inventions from one place to another
    Cultural diffusion
  • This city, now an expression for "way far away", was a world-renown center for learning.
  • Tragically, Europeans brought WHAT to native peoples, to which they had no resistance ?
    Diseases or germs
  • This African animal can't be tamed because it is too aggressive. Don't try to ride one!
  • This is the only tameable animal native to South America!
    The llama
  • On the Eurasian landmass, mountain ranges mostly run north and south, or east and west?
    East and west
  • This African animal is so nervous that it can easily drop dead from fear
  • Name one of the ancient African kingdoms we discussed
    Ghanian empire or Malian empire