
Wider World 3 - 8.3

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  • People steal a lot of jewellery in this shop. A lot of...
    A lot of jewellery is stolen in this shop
  • Nobody saw the suspect in the park last Saturday. The suspect ...
    The suspect wasn't seen in the park last Saturday
  • People don't use guns in many robberies. Guns...
    Guns aren't used in many robberies
  • Did the police chase the robbers? Were...
    Were robbers chased by the police?
  • A shop assistant caught the shoplifter. The shop lifter....
    The shoplifter was caught by the shop assistant
  • Millions of people watch crime dramas on TV. Crime dramas...
    Crime dramas are watched by millions of people
  • a lot of science is/are used to solve crimes
    is used
  • Do people find fingerprints on food as well? Are...
    Are fingerprints found on food as well?
  • Reorder: your car when stolen was ?
    when was your car stolen?
  • Reorder: asked she a lot of questions the police by was
    she was asked a lot of questions by the police
  • Did they send the thief to prison? Was....
    Was the thief sent to prison?
  • the thieves wasn't/weren't seen by anyone
    weren't seen
  • Reorder: CCTV cameras are here used?
    Are CCTV cameras used here?
  • They didn't find the missing money. THe ....
    THe missing money wasn't found
  • CCTV cameras isn't/aren't used in the shopping centre
    aren't used
  • Reorder: my stolen purse pickpocket was a by
    My purse was stolen by a pickpocket
  • Reorder: every year a lot of mobile phones stolen are
    every year a lot of mobile phones are stolen
  • Reorder: some reported aren't to the police crimes
    some crimes aren't reported to the police
  • Complete the second sentence: THey hid the paintings in the back of their van. The paintings...
    The paintings were hidden in the back of their van.
  • the two robbers was/were caught as they were leaving the bank
    were caught
  • a secret microphone was/were hidden under her clothes
    was hidden
  • sometimes ordinary people is/are asked to help the police with information
    are asked
  • Do they send children to prison here? Are....
    Are children sent to prison here?
  • Someone damaged the school gate last night. THe school ...
    THe school gate was damaged last night