
Advanced Direct & Indirect Speech

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  • "You can't go in there." said Marie.
    Marie said we couldn't go in there.
  • John: "Oh no! I've left the keys in that cafe!"
    John realised he had left the keys in that cafe.
  • Sergeant Jones: "Remember to polish your boots every day."
    Sergeant Jones reminded the soldiers to polish their boots every day.
  • Colleague: "Let's take the project to the boss."
    My colleague proposed taking the project to the boss.
  • Union leaders: "Will the deal go ahead or not?"
    The union leaders enquired whether the deal would go ahead or not.
  • Terrorist organisation: "We are going to blow up government buildings if you don't meet our demands."
    Terrorists threatened to blow up government buildings if their demands weren't met.
  • Mark to Sophie: "What are you planning to do after work?"
    Mark asked Sophie what she was planning to do after work.
  • Mand in interview: "The reason I want this job so much is because it will allow me to travel."
    The man explained that the reason he wanted the job so much was because it would allow him to travel.
  • Louise: "Why don't we go to Girona for the weekend?"
    Louise suggested going/we go to Girona for the weekend.
  • Policeman: "You stole that bag from the shop!"
    The policeman accused me of stealing the bag from the shop.
  • Dad: "Do not under any circumstances open that door."
    Dad forbade us from ever opening that door.
  • Mum: "Did the postman deliver the package I was waiting for?" Mum wanted to know...
    Mum wanted to know if the postman had delivered the package she was waiting for.
  • My boss: "You don't need to work over the weekend."
    My boss told me (that) I didn't have/need to work over the weekend.
  • Taxi driver to me: "Can I give you a hand with your luggage?"
    The taxi driver offered to give me a hand with my luggage.
  • Doctor: "I advise eating five portions of fresh vegetables and fruit every day."
    The doctor advised us to eat five portions of fresh vegetables and fruit every day.
  • Celebrity: "I have never taken drugs in my life!"
    The celebrity denied ever having taken drugs in his life.
  • "This beach isn't safe for swimming today," said the lifeguard.
    The lifeguard warned us that the beach wasn't safe for swimming today.
  • Henry (last night): "Are you going to the party tonight?"
    Henry asked if we were going to the party last night.