
Fly High 3 Revision 2

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  • What's the season? Name three months of the season!
    S-U-M-M-E-R June, July, August
  • Say it in English: Они не ходят в школу в воскресенье.
    They don't go to school on Sunday.
  • What does he do every day?
    He has a shower every day.
  • What does he do on Wednesdays?
    He plays the guitar on Wednesdays.
  • What does he never do?
    He never wakes up at 8 o'clock.
  • What is it? Who is it for?
    It's a parcel. It's for Sally.
  • Say it in English: Он всегда показывает домашнее задание маме.
    He always shows his homework to his mum.
  • What do they sometimes do at the weekend?
    They sometimes feed birds at the weekend.
  • What does she always do in summer?
    She always swims in the sea in summer.
  • What do pandas eat?
    They eat leaves.
  • What's the season? Name three months of the season!
    A-U-T-U-M-N September, October, November
  • Say it in English; Она иногда встаёт поздно в субботу.
    She sometimes gets up late on Saturday.
  • What's the season? Name three months of the season!
    S-P-R-I-N-G March-April-May
  • When does Christmas come?
    Christmas comes in December.
  • What's the season? Name three months of the season!
    W-I-N-T-E-R December, January, February
  • Say it in English: Они катаются на лыжах в горах каждую зиму?
    Do they ski in the mountains every winter?
  • Say it in English: Он не ложится спать рано.
    He doesn't go to bed early.