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  • What's she playing?
    She's playing the flute.
  • What type of music is this?
    It's Reggae
  • SAY THE FUNCTION: I'm going to study really hard for the next exam.
  • SAY THE FUNCTION: A: "We have this coat in blue or red" B: "Ok! I'll take the red"
  • What type of music is this?
    It's Heavy metal
  • Does she play the trumpet?
    No, she doesn't. She plays the clarinet
  • What's she playing? 
    She's playing the double bass
  • Is he playing the drums?
    Yes, he is.
  • What type of music is this?
    It's Techno
  • What instrument does he play?
    He plays the keyboard
  • What type of music is this?
    It's Country and western
  • Where's the girl with the guitar?
    She's between the voice and the man playing the electric guitar. In front of the drums.
  • SAY THE FUNCTION: I don't know the way, but I think we are near.
    Prediction without evidence.
  • SAY THE FUNCTION: Sarah and Joseph are going to come to eat tomorrow at 8.30
  • SAY THE FUNCTION: Everybody loves this song! It's going to be number 1!
    Prediction with evidence