
Unscramble the Sentences

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  • don't soda drink I
    I don't drink soda.
  • lunch for a sandwich brought I
    I brought a sandwich for lunch.
  • chocolate cookies chip favorite my are
    Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite.
  • ice cream off cone fell my the
    My ice cream fell off the cone.
  • makes mom my the chicken best
    My mom makes the best chicken.
  • crackers peanut butter and want I
    I want crackers and peanut butter.
  • lunch ate we rice for
    We ate rice for lunch.
  • some want cake chocolate I 
    I want some chocolate cake.
  • want dinner spahetti for I please
    I want spaghetti for dinner please.
  • mom my fish made dinner for
    My mom made fish for dinner.
  • chips salty are crunchy and potato
    Potato chips are salty and crunchy.
  • delicious so was steak the
    The steak was so delicious.
  • lasagna vegetable loves dad my
    My dad loves vegetable lasagna.
  • make to is hard sushi
    Sushi is hard to make.
  • good beans are you for
    Beans are good for you.