
Reactions and health.

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  • Don’t ask him again. It’s better to let s.................. d................. lie.
    sleeping dogs
  • I want you both to be on your b............... b................ at Grandad’s, children!
    best behaviour
  • Some people always f.................. o............... the h............. , and often their anger is totally out of proportion to the problem in hand.
    fly off the handle
  • He decided to go along with them f............... a l.............. . (for enjoyment, not for a serious purpose)
    for a laugh
  • United will be k................ themselves for missing several chances.
  • The game really c................. to l................. in the second half.
    came to life
  • She was fired from the company last year, but she had the l............. l.............. when she was hired by their main rival at twice the salary.
    last laugh
  • Others have behavioural problems and need to l........... off s.............. in a safe and controlled setting.
    let off steam
  • The situation doesn't seem as d _ _ _ as you described it.
  • I found it very difficult to keep a s............... f............ when he gave an excuse for being late.
    straight face
  • They responded i.......... k................. , threatening to ban imports from Japan. (in the same way)
    in kind
  • They fear it could have an a.................... e................. on global financial markets.
    adverse effect
  • So i......... e........... the government have lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.
    in effect
  • Paris was a f............. c................ from the village where she grew up.
    far cry
  • I really don't want to go, but I guess I'll just have to g.............. and b................ it.
    grin and bear it
  • to telephone to say that you are unable to work because of illness.
    call in sick
  • Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home late? I’ve been w................. s................. !
    worried sick
  • You’re in d.............. trouble now (=in very serious trouble)!
  • He lived to the g.................. ol................. age of 97.
    grand old
  • I’d better g.............. the coffee a m................. . I’m due at a meeting in half an hour.
    give a miss