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  • I go to sleep before 10.00 so I had a good night sleep yesterday.
    I went to sleep before 10.00 so I had a good night sleep yesterday.
  • a railway carriage with beds for passengers to sleep in
    sleeping car
  • I live near to Pabianicka Street.
    I live near / close to Pabianicka Street.
  • sleep very deeply
    to be fast asleep / sleep like a log
  • My doctor said me about it.
    My doctor told me about it.
  • How to say 'spać jak zabity'?
    sleep like a log
  • a partner in a company who does not take an active part in its management, especially one who provides some of the money
    sleeping partner
  • a short sleep during a day
    forty winks / a nap / a lie-down, a snooze
  • to move about from side to side or turn a lot in bed, especially because you cannot sleep
    toss and turn
  • Silent is the best way to send me to sleep.
    Silence is the best way to send me to sleep.
  • to stop the bad effects of having too much of something by sleeping for as long as it takes to end those effects
    sleep in off
  • to kill an animal that is very ill or very old so that it does not suffer any more
    put sth to sleep
  • to wait before making a decision
    sleep on it
  • It depends on the day and how many sleep I had.
    It depends on the day and how much sleep I had.
  • I had to bought an alarm clock.
    I had to buy an alarm clock.
  • to sleep outside because you have no home and no money
    sleep rough
  • How to say 'kimnąć się'?
    have a kip
  • to not sleep at all
    not sleep a wink
  • to worry about something (and not be able to sleep well)
    lose sleep over sth
  • a speed bump
    sleeping policeman