
Hard to Hear

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  • You are ordering food at Chick-fil-a and the worker asked you a question that you did not hear.
    Can you repeat that please?
  • Your teacher is reading a book to the class and your battery just died.
    Raise your hand and ask to get a new battery or use a signal with your teacher so you don't interrupt.
  • You are in the car with your mom and she is singing loudly with the music. You are trying to hear your friend sitting next to you.
    Mom, I can hear my friend better if you turn the music down please.
  • You are having dinner with your family and the TV is on. You can't hear what your mom is talking about.
    I can hear better if we turn the TV off while we are eating.
  • Your teacher asked you a question, but you didn't understand it.
    Can you explain that more please?
  • Your friend is talking too quietly and you can't hear him.
    I can hear you better if you speak a little louder.
  • You thought you heard your mom say that you are going to a birthday party, but you aren't sure.
    Mom, did you say something about going to a party?
  • You're on zoom with your class and everyone is talking at the same time.
    Excuse me, I can hear better if you talk one at a time.
  • You are on zoom with your teacher and there is noise in the classroom.
    I can hear better if it isn't noisy.
  • Your friend talks really fast and you can't understand her.
    I can hear better if you talk a little slower.
  • Your teacher is explaining a math problem and you don't understand it.
    I don't understand. Can you explain it more?
  • Your cousin invited you to do something fun, but you didn't hear all of the details.
    Can you repeat that please?