
Superhero Strengths

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  • Superheroes are often in scary situations. What is a time you had to be brave?
  • Each superhero is unique. What makes you special?
  • What do superheroes do for fun? What do you do for fun?
  • What is a real hero like?
  • At least one superhero has trouble controlling anger. What is a time you've had to control your anger?
  • What are strengths you admire in other people?
  • Most superheroes have a weakness (like kryptonite). What is something you'd like to improve about yourself?
  • Some superheroes see scary things happen all the time. How do they cope?
  • What situations make you feel powerless? What can you do when you feel powerless?
  • Describe a time were braver (did the right thing, even when you were scared) than you thought possible.
  • How can being strong and healthy help you?
  • Where would you go if you could be invisible?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • If you had one superpower, what would it be?
  • What are your top three strengths? (good qualities)
  • How can something bad happening lead to something good?
  • Name someone who admires you. Why do you think they do?
  • Superheroes help people in need. Who do you know that could use some help? Explain
  • What makes someone a superhero?
  • Who is your favorite superhero and why?
  • Some superheroes use a shield. What can you do to protect yourself when you are being bullied?
  • Even superheroes aren't perfect. How do you deal with failure?
  • Superheroes have a lot of stress in their lives. What's a good way to deal with stress?
  • Self-talk is words we say to ourselves, whether out-loud or thinking them. What is good self-talk you say to yourself? What's an example of bad self-talk?
  • Speed, strength and cool weapons are just some of the things superheroes use to protect themselves. What can you do when you are feeling worried?