
Academy Stars 2 Unit 3 riddles

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  • You can take a photo with it. What is it? / What are they?
    camera, tablet, smartphone, smartwatch
  • You can draw with it. What is it? / What are they?
    smartphone, laptop, computer
  • You can listen to music on it. What is it? / What are they?
    smartphone, guitar, smartwatch, tablet, radio, computer, TV, laptop, speaker
  • You can watch cartoons on it. What is it? / What are they?
    laptop, TV, tablet, computer, smartphone
  • You can talk to people on it. What is it? / What are they?
    smartphone, tablet, laptop, smartwatch, computer
  • You can play video games on it. What is it? / What are they?
    smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer, game console