
Work CAE

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  • We’re not .......................... (employ) any new staff at the moment.
    taking on
  • So many young people ...................... (plan) to change the world.
    set out
  • Sorry I'm late; I'll .................. (work extra hours) the time this evening.
    make up
  • Do you want to ...................... (finish work) early tonight?
    knock off
  • No one knows what .............. (to be in the future) .
    lies ahead
  • They're.......................... (to end gradually) their overseas operation because it is losing money.
    winding down
  • He managed to .......................... (start working hard) to his lessons long enough to pass his examination.
    knuckle down
  • She was ........................ (to end employment) along with many others when the company moved to California.
    laid off
  • Most of the delegates said they wanted to .......................... (be determined to continue) with the talks.
    press ahead
  • After working her way around the world, she ...........................(to be in a particular place) teaching English as a foreign language.
    ended up
  • I’d like to .............................. (start) with a quick look at last month’s sales figures.
    kick off
  • We ............................ (relax) the Saturday afternoon sitting by the lake.
    whiled away
  • Problems will ......................... (appear) and hit you before you are ready.
    crop up
  • We’re ................... (have too much work) with applications for the job.
    snowed under
  • When I start a new project, I like ...................... (do sth in a very enthusiastic way) right in and see how it works.
    dive in