
House Furniture Riddles

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  • I stand on a table. Or hang on the wall. Or stand on the floor. I give light.
    I am a lamp.
  • I am a room in your house where you enjoy eating with your family.
    It's a dining room.
  • I’m in the bathroom. I spray water. You take or have me. I hope you use me often.
    I am a shower.
  • If you can any old things, you keep them in this room in your house.
    It's an attic.
  • I’m often made of wood. I have a handle. You can open me. You walk through me.
    It's a door.
  • I am very soft. You use me to sleep. I am on your bed.
    I am a pillow.
  • I am a room. I have a sink. I have a cooker. You use me for cooking.
    I am a kitchen.
  • I’m in the living-room. I’m boxy or flat. You can watch me. You use me in your free time.
    I am a TV.
  • I am made of wood. I have four legs. You can sit on me. I’m often in the kitchen.
    I am a chair.
  • I need electricity. I have a screen. I can send email. You can play games on me.
    I am a computer.
  • I’m often made of wood. I have four legs. You eat on me. You put a cloth on me.
    I am a table.
  • We are on the sofa. We are usually square. We are soft.
    We are cushions.
  • I’m usually round. I have two hands. I hang on the wall. I can tell you the time.
    I am a clock.
  • I’m soft. I’m in the living-room. You can relax in me. 3 or 4 people can sit in me.
    I am a sofa.
  • I’m in the bedroom. I’m soft. I have a mattress. You use me at night. You sleep in me.
    I am a bed.
  • I am outside your house. I am around your house. You can grow plants, flowers and trees in me. You can put swings in me.
    I am a backyard.
  • I’m in the kitchen. I’m usually white. I’m cold. I have food and drink in me.
    I am a fridge.
  • I am made of glass. I hang on the wall. You often look at me. You can see yourself in me.
    I am a mirror.
  • You put your dirty clothes inside me and get clean clothes back.
    It's a washing-machine.
  • I’m in the living-room. You can sit in me. I am soft. I have arms.
    I am an armchair.