
55J Phrasal Verbs 1

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  • I really need to buy a new winter jacket - I've had this one for years, and it's completely ........
    worn out
  • Jerry is always cheating in tests, but the teacher never notices, so he ............ it.
    gets away with
  • They decided to ......................... the wedding until next year.
    put off
  • Please ................ with your story! It's interesting, and I want to know more. (CONTINUE)
    go on
  • The restaurant was okay, but it didn't really .............. our expectations. We thought it would be better.
    live up to
  • It was really surprising when my sister ................. to be really good at sports. We hadn't realised, and nobody else in my family enjoys it.
    turned out
  • I made a mistake in my essay, but luckily my friend .................... to me before I submitted it.
    pointed it out
  • This weekend, we're going to ........... our living room. It's quite old, and needs new paint and some renovation.
    do up
  • My mum makes me ........... my books before dinner so that everything is tidy.
    clear up
  • Please stop interrupting me. I need to ................ my homework - it's due tomorrow.
    get on with
  • Can we stop at the library? I need to ............. this book I borrowed last week.
    hand back
  • I spent a lovely afternoon with my best friend from primary school, ................. at all the things we used to do.
    looking back
  • I've been really sick with a cold, but I think I'm ................... it now.
    getting over
  • What time can you ..................... from the train station? (COLLECT ME)
    pick me up