
Yay or Nay?

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  • This is a slogan.
    Yay or Nay?
  • You can look for sponsors if you need financial booster.
    Yay or Nay?
  • Advertisement is something that will attract people's attention to it. People usually use it to promote something.
    Yay or Nay?
  • Slogan and flyer are for advertisement.
    Yay or Nay?
  • Fundraise and charity are similar in a way to help people in need.
    Yay or Nay?
  • "Friday-Happy Hour" and "Saturday-Game Day" are the slogans.
    Yay or Nay?
  • "Costly" is the opposite of cheap.
    Yay or Nay?
  • The picture is an action call.
    Yay or Nay?
  • This is the example of poster.
    Yay or Nay?
  • Is the sentence correct or incorrect? "You need to get an advertisement up to attract attentions."
    Yay or Nay?
  • Sponsor and fundraising are the same.
    Yay or Nay?