
Adverbs of Manner

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  • How are they dancing? (happy)
    They're dancing happily
  • How is he acting? (dangerous)
    He's acting dangerously
  • How is he ice skating? (good)
    He's ice skating well.
  • How is the girl talking? (loud)
    She's talking loudly
  • How is she smiling? (happy)
    She's smiling happily.
  • How does the dog bark? (loud)
    The dog barks loudly.
  • How is the woman yelling? (angry)
    She's yelling angrily
  • How is the turtle walking? (slow)
    It's walking slowly
  • How is he talking? (quiet)
    He's talking quietly.
  • How is he eating? (quick)
    He's eating quickly
  • How do they play the piano? (bad)
    They play badly.
  • How is the girl crying? (sad)
    She's crying sadly.