
Excretory system

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  • Tube through which urine is discharged from the body
  • The second major etep in urine formation
  • The first step in urine formation
  • How many nephrons exist in our body ?
    2 million
  • Organ that holds/stores urine
  • How does the excretory system help your body maintain homeostasis?
    It removes waste and adjusts water levels to create a balance where there is not too much or too little of a substance in the body
  • The process of getting rid of material such as nitrogenus waste,certain salts and excess water from the blood
  • Liquid waste produced by the kidneys.
  • What is number 3 on the diagram
  • The nephron is the
    functional unit of the kidney
  • How does the excretory system work with the circulatory system?
    The circulatory system moves blood around the body and the excretory system filters wastes from the blood
  • If there is blood in the urine, what process was ineffective?
  • Which waste product is found in urine?
  • Your kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from your body in a two-step process
    Filtration and reabsorption
  • Small stones or crystals that form in the renal pelvis, made up of mineral deposits contained in the urine. When it passes through a narrow tube such as the ureter, this can cause intense pain called renal colic.
    kidney stones
  • Which process happens in kidney that returns glucose to the blood?
  • The area at the center of the kidney where urine is collected
    renal pelvis
  • Name the duct which transports urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.
  • The basic structural and functional unit of the kidney
  • Human urine is composed by:
    water (95%), urea (2%), creatinine (0.1%), uric acid (0.03%), chloride, sodium, potassium, sulphate, ammonium, phosphate and other ions and molecules
  • It is a compact cluster of capillaries responsible for blood filtration and initiating urine production in the renal nephrons
  • What is number 4 on the diagram
  • Name the two parts of excretory system which lies in the cortex region of the kidney.
    Glomerolous and Bowman's capsule
  • Name the inner lighter coloured region of the kidney.
  • What does glomerular filtrate consist of?
    Water, urea, mineral salts, glucose, aminoacids, vitamins .... and other plasma solutes
  • What is number 1 on the diagram
  • What is the major role of the structure labeled by letter A.
  • What is number 2 on the diagram