
Problem and Solution

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  • Robert was afraid the flooding river would reach his home. His parents were away, and he was watching with his little sister. He saddled his horse, and he and his sister rode to the top of the hill. Identify the Problem/s
    Robert was afraid of flooding river would reach his home, his parents were away, and he was watching with his little sister
  • Tom was playing in the backyard. He threw the ball and broke the neighbor's window glass.
  • It's a hot day and the electricfan isn't working.
  • Emily knew she had to get to school on time, but her mother said she couldn’t drive her.
  • The teacher did not give the class homework for the weekend. She wanted them to take a break after a long week of hardwork
  • A sprain is a tear in a muscle. They can be painful. If you sprain a muscle, you should ice it immediately. Putting ice on a sprain will reduce swelling and pain. Identify the Problem.
    Having a Sprain is painful
  • Nobody wants to be stung by a bee. Bee stings are itchy and painful. One thing that you can do is put vinegar on it. The acid in the vinegar may reduce the pain and swelling from the sting. Identify the Solution.
    One thing that you can do is put vinegar on it.
  • Read a book or talk to someone on the phone.
  • The student helped the teacher carry the heavy books
  • You and your brother both want the last cookie.
  • I lost my cellphone
  • The Internet is down.
  • Ma'am Lovely, the school nurse gave the student a band aid.
  • Angel went to CSI supermarket to buy some groceries. when it was time to pay, he did not find her wallet. She did not have money.
  • You want chocolate ice cream, but the store is out of that flavor.Try a different flavor with chocolate sprinkles or syrup. Identify the Problem
    You want chocolate ice cream, but the store is out of that flavor.
  • It rains when you want to go outside and play
  • You have to do a homework assignment you don't understand. Ask someone to help you. Identify the SOLUTION
    Ask someone to help you.
  • Ms. Shiela Perez wanted a fresh pineapple for her cake. The store near her did not have any fresh ones, so she went to another store and bought it there. what is the Solution in this sentence?
    She went to another store and bought it there.
  • I forgot to lock the door and my cat ran away
  • Use a flashlight.