
Easter speaking

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  • Imagine Easter without bunnies. What other animals could replace them?
  • What do you think the Easter bunny's favourite hobby is when it's not delivering eggs?
  • How would you celebrate Easter on Mars?
  • Imagine if Easter bunnies had their own social media accounts. What do you think they would post about?
  • If Easter eggs had personalities, what traits do you think they would have?
  • If you could spend Easter anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • If you had the power to control spring weather, what would the weather be like?
  • What jobs do you think Easter bunnies would be good at if they could work?
  • If you could create a new Easter tradition, what would it be?
  • If Easter eggs could talk, what do you think they would say?
  • What do you think the Easter bunny's favourite hobby is when it's not delivering eggs?
  • If Easter bunnies could create music, what songs do you think they would sing?
  • If you could design the best Easter egg ever, what would it look like?