
Fruit or Vegetable

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  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Lemon - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Lettuce - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Grapes - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Eggplant - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Garlic - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Cherry - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Tomato - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Apricot - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Cabbage - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Okra - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Banana - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Cauliflower - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Carrot - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Cucumber - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Celery - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Pear - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Broccoli - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Melon - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Watermelon - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Beans - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Potato - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Onion - Vegetable
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Green Pepper - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Kiwi - Fruit
  • What is this and is it FRUIT or VEGETABLE?
    Apple - Fruit