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  • Another word for accounting is_______ a. finance b. bookkeeping c. moneycounting
  • Our company's ____ year begins on May 1st a. frisky b. fiscal c. money-making
  • Things of value owned by a business are known as its ___. a. assertions b. assessments c. assets
  • The partners of the accounting firm gathered in Tampa for their ___ meeting. a. annual b. annul c. annually
  • To accrue means to accumulate or ______. a. decrease b. regret c. increase
  • An accountant who reviews the accounting procedures of a company is called ___. a. an auditor b. an audience c. a lawyer
    an auditor
  • An expenditure is basically a____ a. bill b. payment c. tax form
  • An accounting period is a period of time over which ___ are calculated. a. prophets b. profits c. profiteering
  • A general ___ in business says that 20% of the product line produces 80% of the sales. a. rule of thumb b. famous rule c. rule of thumbs
    rule of thumb
  • Thanks to your hard work, we've seen some positive changes in sales ___ (=we have started selling more). a. level b. approach c. volume
  • A statement of ___ helps you keep track of your business's finances a. cash flow b. cash flowing c. money flow
    cash flow
  • An element of ___ is always present in all business activities. a. risky b. risk c. risque
  • Customers usually come here looking for ___ advice. a. financial b. finances c. finance
  • Accounts ____ refers to the money that is owed to the company by its clients. a. receivable b. receptive c. respected
  • This plan is not really ___(=executable, possible). a. fast b. worthy c. feasible
  • There are two types of profit: gross profit and ___. a. net profit b. non-gross profit c. netto profit
    net profit
  • You should always keep ____ (=proof of payment) of every payment to your business and every expenditure by your business. a. records b. receipts c. recipes
  • What do you do with forms? a. You fill them up b. You fill them out c. You fulfil them
    Fill them out
  • I would welcome an opportunity to analyse your company's ___ (=financial records) in detail. a. books b. bookkeeping c booked
  • The term ' equity' refers to the owners' ___ of the business. a. partition b. share c. sharing
  • Microsoft ___ nearly 60% of its total United States revenues from software sales. a. drives b. derives c. derides
  • Tax ____help wealthy investors hide millions of dollars in taxable income. a. hideouts b. sheds c shelters
  • My accountant advised me that this approach would be much more ___ (=profitable). a. rich b. lucid c. lucrative
  • I ____ our profits for the previous accounting period. a. called b. gathered c. calculated
  • We really need to start keeping our business ___ organised. a. transactions b. transitions c. translations
  • What's the opposite of an asset? a. cash b. A liability c. a liaison
  • His last company owes millions in ____ taxes. a. unpaid b. paid c. not paid
  • I indicated all the accrued expenses on your balance ____. a. sheet b. paper c. note
  • A good accountant will hep you keep ____ of your business's finances. a. track b. trace c. score