
nondefining relative clauses

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  • This is my boyfriend Johnny. I am pointing to Johnny right now.
    This is my boyfriend Johnny, whom I am pointing to right now.
  • The Danube is a very long river. I live right next to it.
    The Danube, which I live right next to, is a very long river.
  • Grammar is very difficult. I don't like it.
    Grammar, which I don't like, is very difficult.
  • Flies carry diseases. They are around mostly in the summer.
    Flies, which are around mostly in the summer, carry diseases.
  • Gimper is my favorite youtuber. He is bald.
    Gimper, who is bald, is my favorite youtuber.
  • The yellow T-Shirt is mine. It's new.
    The yellow T-Shirt, which is new, is mine.
  • Kim Kardashian is very popular. She has 3 children.
    Kim Kardashian, who has 3 children, is very popular.
  • Paul is reading a book about UFOs. I think UFOs don't exist.
    Paul is reading a book about UFOs, which I think don't exist.
  • Tom has just arrived. His car is very dirty.
    Tom, whose car is very dirty, has just arrived.
  • Kamil Stoch is a great ski jumper. His wife is very pretty.
    Kamil Stoch, whose wife is very pretty, is a great ski jumper.
  • The plane took Simon to Africa. It was a British plane.
    The plane, which was British, took Simon to Africa
  • Peter lives in this house. I am in love with Peter.
    Peter, whom I am in love with, lives in this house.
  • We went to a nice park to unwind last weekend. There were a lot of trees.
    We went to a nice park, where there were a lot of trees, to unwind last weekend.
  • My dad works in a restaurant. He's a great chef.
    My dad, who is a great chef, works in a restaurant.
  • The man sings old rock songs. I hate old rock songs.
    The man sings old rock songs, which I hate.
  • The cheese is delicious. I bought it at Lidl.
    The cheese, which I bought at Lidl, is delicious.