
Used to - Natural Selection Evolution

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  • Crocodiles used to be herbivores.
    False: Crocodiles have always been carnivores.
  • Penguins used to fly, but evolved to become flightless.
  • Dinosaurs used to be the Dominant terrestrial vertebrates.
  • Cucumbers used to be spiky.
  • Butterflies used to be nocturnal.
  • Tigers used to be domesticated pets.
    False: Tigers have never been domesticated animals throughout human history.
  • Sharks used to exist before the dinosaurs.
  • All dinosaurs used to be carnivores.
    False: Dinosaurs had a variety of diets; many were herbivores or omnivores.
  • Bananas used to have large seeds.
  • Roses used to be blue in color.
    False: Natural roses have never been blue; the blue roses available today are the result of genetic modification or dyeing.
  • Rabbits used to be predators.
    False: Rabbits have always been prey animals; their digestive systems and behaviors are adapted to a herbivorous lifestyle.
  • Whales used to walk on land.
  • Humans used to have tails that were visible outside their bodies.
    False: While humans have a vestigial structure (the coccyx) indicating a tail-like ancestor, they never had externally visible tails.