
Business Idioms

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  • It's crucial for businesses to ___________ (convey) their commitment to ethical practices in a concise and straightforward manner.
  • The team ___________ (work) highly efficiently to close the financial year, despite the challenges faced in the industry.
  • Rushing into partnerships without due diligence can (insert idiom) and lead to unforeseen challenges.
    open a can of worms
  • During the third quarter, the company ___________ (experience) unexpected financial losses due to irregularities in the accounting department.
  • The new employee ___________ (to be) quickly (insert idiom) and introduced to the company's ethical culture.
    was / taken on board
  • The company's recent awareness campaign ___________ (aim) to educate employees about the consequences of unethical practices.
  • The new CEO is __________ (determine) to change the company's culture to promote integrity and accountability.
  • Employees are __________ (encourage) to (insert idiom) if they suspect any form of dishonesty within the organisation.
    encouraged / to breathe down someone's neck
  • The manager ___________ (have) to keep a (insert idiom) when dealing with the financial losses to avoid unnecessary panic among the team.
    had / cool head
  • The manager's ability to (insert idiom) in a crisis situation impressed the entire team.
    keep a cool head
  • The case studies __________ (prove) that corruption not only damages a company's reputation but also its financial stability.
  • The speaker effectively ____________ (present) the importance of transparency in the corporate industry during the training session.
  • The speaker __________(use) various buzzwords to emphasise the importance of integrity and accountability in the workplace.